April Special Discount

10% OFF on all belts & 5% from all orders donated for the fight against COVID-19

Although good days are coming back and the beautiful Sakura season (cherry blossom) still covers some Japanese regions with its typical rose/whitish colors, March has been tough and quite stressful for all of us and we are all hoping for a quick return to normality. With all that happens with the outbreak we are currently facing, we have to stay safe and be careful to also keep others safe. However, KuSakuraShop is a business and this is why we will still keep sharing with you the latest news and what happened in the shop. 

Meanwhile, we wanted to start a very special event for the shop, we felt that it wasn’t the time and we have decided to postpone it until we can see an improvement in the situation.

This is why this month, we changed our plans and would rather stand up a special operation to help fight the COVID-19. In April, we will run 2 discounts of two weeks each. First, you will be able to benefit from 10% OFF on all our high-end belts. Along with this discount, 5% of all orders placed on KuSakuraShop will be donated to Doctor Without Borders, an organization involved in the fight against the COVID-19. This charity has special expertise in outbreak management and we really hope that his little donations will help to improve this unprecedented situation as fast as possible. This offer will end on April 15th at 11 am, Japan time.

March Report:

  • It was clearly the perfect month for our fellows Kendoka! Along with our monthly discount on all Kendogi & Hakama, we were thrilled to release our new KuSakura Kendo Shinai line! In this new collection, you will find all SG (Safety Goods) or SSP (Shinai Safety Promotion) certified Shinai.
  • Whether you need to transport 2, 3 or even 10 Shinai, you will undoubtedly find what you are looking for within our new line of high-end weapon carry bags entirely Made in Japan! A first selection is already available online, but further carry bags are on track to be released soon!
  • They were quite popular and eagerly awaited by the Kyudo community, KuSakura’s Made in Japan Kyudo jacket and Hakama, both men and women models are back and this time, on KuSakuraShop for our international community! If you need a brand new high-end jacket or Hakama, you may want to check this new collection out!
  • Arrows, quiver and Giriko powder are some of the few Kyudo accessories that we released online! As usual, KuSakuraShop is certain to aim right by offering you only the best Kyudo equipment currently available on the market.
  • Apart from the new products, we also released a comprehensive guide on how to choose your Kendo Shinai on the KuSakuraShop Blog. If you are a Kendoka, and you don’t know if you should opt for a Dobari, Jissengata, a smoked Shinai or a carbon graphite one, this article might be able to catch your attention and help you out in your decision.

Although if March was tough, our team has been able to advance on some projects and we foresee April to be on the same line. Time is not for celebration. At the moment, we keep sending your packages as usual, but the situation can evolve from day to day.

All in all, rest assured that we will keep you informed. Stay tuned to stay aware of the latest news. See you very soon on KuSakuraShop!






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