March Special Offer

15% OFF on All Kendogi, Iaidogi & Hakama!

Even if we can see the first plum blossom of the year, it is true that the recent events have brought a fairly tense climate in Japan. For more details about the various impacts on shipments from Japan, we recommend that you consult our article specially dedicated to the COVID19 outbreak.

Although shipments from Japan are not heavily impacted by the situation caused by the Covid19 outbreak at the moment, some delays are to be expected, particularly for packages bound for China. In addition, the closing of schools in Japan means that some members of our staff need to find solutions to provide care for their children. Naturally, we are trying to find solutions that will be partially or fully handled by the company, in order to minimize the impact on our logistics and let us keep the same quality of service that we usually strive to provide.

In March, it is the best time for our Kendoka and Iaidoka fellows to gear themselves up properly. With 15% OFF on our Hakama, Kendogi and Iaidogi high-end lines, it is the perfect time of the year to get some brand new equipment, naturally guaranteed by KuSakura’s pledge of quality. Note that this discount will only be running until March 31st, 10 a.m. JPT.

February report

  • Our partner Seido, which is an expert in Kobudo equipment as well as KuSakura for Judo, has released a new video on its YouTube channel entitled “This is Martial Art”. Although practicing different arts, we are all bound by the same passion as well as by values ​​that define our identity as Budoka. A great presentation video of our passion that must be seen by KuSakura's community Judoka & Budoka!
  • The Sauna Suits being one of the most appreciated accessory of the KuSakura community, it saw the addition of an additional size, the size 0 is now available online.

March is probably not the busiest month of the year but next April will be the start of the new school year in Japan, also meaning the start of fairly sustained activity for our teams in Tokyo as well as for our Osaka workshops.

This month will be an opportunity for us to work on several side-projects and to prepare a rather important event, that will arrive very soon in your favorite online shop.  

In the meantime, take advantage of our reduction and see you soon on





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