Training at home Special Discount

Training at home Special Discount!

Summer is slowly coming, the weather is getting clearer, and sunny days are warming our minds. As you probably know, the situation all around the world is not evolving as positively in the way we hoped for and it's still difficult to gather to train together. Nevertheless, it's still important to practice regularly, in order to keep good mental and physical health. That's why we decided to create a special selection of products to help you during your home training for all martial arts!

Our team selected a list of Headgears, Dogi, Hakama, T-shirts, protective gear, weapons, and many more products that will hopefully accompany you through these tough times, until a better tomorrow.

This exclusive discount will exceptionally last two months and will end on June, 30th, 2 pm JPT, so be sure to don't miss it!

Golden Week Holidays

We will be closed on April 29 (thu), May 3rd (Mon), 4th (Tue) and 5th (Wed). Inquiries will be answered at a slower pace without interruption

In Japan, April 29th (Showa Day), May 3rd (Constitution Memorial), May 4th (Greenery day) and May 5th (Children's day) are national holidays forming a series called "the Golden Week holidays"
All suppliers, carriers and partners will be closed during the complete holidays, from April 29th to May 4th
In order to limit the of orders piling up, we will be working on April 30th, although we will only be able to ship a minimum number of orders.
Normal operation will resume on Thursday 6th.
Please also note that orders containing products which are order-made or out of stock might suffer a delay of about 2 weeks if their production/preparation time includes the Golden Week. This delay is taken into account by our system and the date indicated at checkout stays accurate.

As usual, our team is taking work home and will continue to answers emails at a slower pace and our website will stay fully operational.

Take care of yourself, of your loved ones, and enjoy this incredible discount! See you very soon on KuSakuraShop!





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